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Begin Year Built:
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Low Sq. Footage:
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Low Acreage
High Acreage
Use Code:
11 SFD Detached
12 SFD Semi detached
13 SFD 2plus on same parcel
14 Other SFD
15 SFD Comm Ind Area
16 Single Family Elderly
21 SFD Duplex
28 Duplex Elderly
29 Other 2plus Family SFD
31 Townhouse Owner Dvlpmnt
33 Townhouse Rental Dvlpmnt
38 Townhouse Elderly
39 Other Townhouse
41 Condo Garden style
42 Condominium Elderly
43 Condo TH Style Development
44 Condo Multiplex
45 Condo Medium rise
46 Condo Common Account
47 Condo High rise no commercial
48 Condo High rise w commercial
49 Other Condominiums
50 Garden Apt Rental
52 Medium Rise Apt Rental
54 High Rise Apt w o commercial
56 High Rise Apt w commercial
57 Apartments Age Restricted
58 Combo Rental Apts and Rental TH
59 Other Apartments
61 Mobile home in park or court
62 Mobile Home not in park
71 Rooming Boarding Houses
72 Membership Lodgings
73 Residence Halls and Dorms
74 Orphanages
75 Religious Quarters
76 Nursing Homes
77 Retirement Homes
78 Assisted Living Facilities
79 Other Group Quarters
81 Economy Hotel w o Restaurant
82 Economy Hotel w Restaurant
83 Mid range Hotel w o Restaurant
84 Mid range Hotel w Restaurant
85 Bed and Breakfast
86 Residential Hotels and Motels
87 Resid Dwellings prev hotel
89 Other Transient Lodging
91 Outbldg on Adjacent Parcel
92 Pvt Openspace owned by HOA
93 Pvt Streets owned by HOA
99 Other Residential
111 Planned Industrial Park
112 Industrial Conglomeration
121 Durable Manufacturing
126 Durable Manufacturing condo
127 Durable Manuf cluster
131 Nondurable Manufacturing
135 Printing and Publishing
136 Nondurable Manuf condo
137 Nondurable Manuf cluster
140 Research and Testing
146 Research and Testing condo
147 Research and Testing cluster
150 Wholesale Warehousing
151 Mini Warehouses
156 Wholesale Warehousing condo
157 Wholesale Warehousing cluster
160 Contract Construction
166 Contract Construction condo
167 Contract Constrctn cluster
190 Other Industrial
191 Technology Services
211 Railroad
212 Rail Rapid Transit
213 Bus
214 Motor Freight Transportation
215 Street and Highway ROW
216 Auto Parking
217 Air Transportation
218 Marine Terminals
219 Other Transportation
221 Electric Utilities
222 Gas Utilities
223 Water Utilities
224 Sewage
225 Solid Waste Disposal
226 Pipeline ROW and PC Stations
229 Other Utilities
231 Telephone and Telegraph
232 Radio and TV
233 Cell Tower
239 Other Communications
311 Nbhd Shopping Center
312 Specialty Shopping Center
313 Community Shopping Center
314 Regional Shopping Center
315 Super Regional Shopping Center
316 Promotional Shopping Center
317 Town Shopping Center
318 Condo Shopping Center
320 Building Materials
331 Department Store
332 Discount Store
333 Variety or Jr Dept Store
334 Apparel and Accessory Store
335 Furniture Store
336 Drug Store
337 Retail Condo
341 Supermarket
342 Supermarket plus Gen Mdse
343 Convenience Grocery
344 Convenience Grocery w Gas
349 Other Food Store
351 Restaurant w Alcohol
352 Restaurant w o Alcohol
353 Carry out Kitchen
354 Carry out with Seating
361 Motor Vehicle Sales
362 Gasoline and Service Station
363 Gasoline Station
364 Gasoline Sales and or Car Wash
365 Service Station Not Operating
366 Service Station w Convenience
369 Other Automotive
390 Other Retail
410 Office Park
421 General Low Rise Office
422 Medical and or Dental Low Rise
423 Govt Leased Low Rise Office
424 Govt Owned Low Rise Office
425 Office Condo General Low Rise
426 Office Condo Mdcl Dntl Low Rise
427 Cluster Office General Low Rise
428 Cluster Office Mdcl Dntl LR
429 Converted Residential Office
431 Gen Med or High Rise Office
432 Mdcl Dntl Med or HR Office
433 Govt Leased Med or HR Office
434 Govt Owned Med or HR Office
435 Office Condo Gen Med or HR
436 Office Condo Mdcl Dntl MR HR
490 Other Office
510 Finance Ins RE Services
520 Personal Services barber
530 Motor Vehicle Repair
540 Other Repair Services
550 Veterinary Hospitals
590 Other Consumer Business Servic
610 Cemetery
620 Hospital and Health Facilities
630 Post Office
640 Police Station
650 Fire and Rescue Stations
660 Correctional Institutions
670 Military Installations
680 Welfare Charitable Services
690 Other Public Services
710 Church
718 Banquet Hall
720 Civic Social Associations
730 Libraries
740 Permanent Exhibitions
750 School
751 Nursery Schools
752 Public School
753 Private School
754 College University
755 Special Training Schools
759 Other Educational Services
760 Public Assembly Facility
790 Other Cultural Entertainment
811 Private Parks and Rec Outdoor
812 Comm Parks and Rec Outdoor
813 Govt-Owned Parks/Rec Outdoor
821 Private Recreation Indoor
822 Commercial Rec Indoor
823 Govt Owned Rec Indoor
831 Private Golf Course
832 Commercial Golf Course
833 Govt Owned Golf Course
841 Swimming pool outdoor
842 Swimming pool indoor
851 Marina
910 Agricultural Related Services
911 Agricultural Services w house
920 Forestry Related Services
921 Forestry Services w house
930 Horticulture Related Services
931 Horticulture Services w house
941 Resource Production Quarry
949 Other Resource Production
950 Permanent Conservation Area
960 Vacant Water Areas
971 Vacant Land
972 Vacant w Incidental Structure
973 Storage yard with fence
990 Other Resource Use
00 Not Applicable
01 1 Story
02 1 1/2 Story
03 2 Story, 2 plus Story
04 Contemporary
05 Bi-Level
06 Split Level
07 Split Foyer
08 Recreational
09 SFD - All Other
10 Townhouse Interior Unit
11 Townhouse End Unit
12 Condo - TH Unit
13 Condo - TH End Unit
14 Attached 1-Story - IU
15 Attached 1-Story - EU
16 Attached 1-Story w/Loft - IU
17 Attached 1-Story w/Loft - EU
18 Duplex Unit
19 Duplex - Elderly
20 Condominium
21 Condominium Luxury
30 Condo-Office
31 Condo-Medical Office
32 Condo-Retail
33 Condo-Whse/Industrial
40 Apartment Bldg
01001 Lk Ridge Thousand Oaks TH
01002 Lk Ridge (Sec 2-3) SFD
01003 AR - River Ridge Sec 1 SFD
01004 AR - River Ridge Sec 1 TH
01005 Riverview Overlook TH
01006 Occoquan Ridge Condos
01007 Devil's Reach/Riverview Ln SFD
01008 Moorings Of Occoquan Condos
01009 Townes of Occoquan/Hollows TH
01010 Rollingbrook TH
01011 Tackett's Mill TH
01012 Lk Ridge Harbor Dr North SFD
01013 Lk Ridge Colby Dr South SFD
01014 Lk Ridge Villa's TH
01015 Lk Ridge Oakwood Dr South SF
01016 Lk Ridge Harbor Drive N SFD
01017 Lk Ridge Pinewood Condos
01018 Lk Ridge Forest Hill TH
01019 Lk Ridge - Oakwood Drive N
01020 Lk Ridge - Treehouse TH
01021 Lk Ridge - Treehouse SFD
01022 Lk Ridge - Woodmark TH
01023 Lk Ridge - Antietam North TH
01024 Lk Ridge - Rockledge Condos
01025 Lk Ridge - Antietam Condos
01026 Lk Ridge - Antietam Square Con
01027 Lk Ridge - Mohican North TH
01028 Lk Ridge - Antietam Rd SFD
01029 Lk Ridge - Antietam Rd TH
01030 Lk Ridge - Antietam N SFD
01031 Lk Ridge - Mohican North TH
01032 Lk Ridge - Vinings Condos
01033 Lk Ridge - Hedges Run N SFD
01034 Lk Ridge - Gables TH
01035 Lk Ridge - Hampton Hse Condos
01036 Westridge - NV TH
01037 Westridge - Soren / Winch TH
01038 Lk Ridge - Springwoods N SFD
01039 Lk Ridge - Hedges Run N Duplex
01040 Lk Ridge - Hedges Run N SFD
01041 Lk Ridge - Marquis Place TH
01042 Lk Ridge - Marquis Place TH
01043 Lk Ridge - Springwoods N TH
01044 Lk Ridge - Hedges Run Condos
01045 Lk Ridge - SFD
01046 Lk Ridge - Hedges Run North TH
01047 Lk Ridge - Hedges Run North TH
01048 Lk Ridge - Hedges Run North TH
01049 Lk Ridge - Mohican North SFD
01050 Forest Vista SFD
01051 Lk Ridge - Mohican N - Duplex
01052 Lk Ridge - Springwoods N SFD
01053 Lk Ridge - TH (End Of Mohican)
01054 Occoquan / Mt High TH
01055 Lk Ridge - Cotton Mill Condos
01056 Lk Ridge - Springwoods N SFD
01057 Rollingbrook TH
01058 Alban TH
01059 Westridge - Long / Frfield SFD
01060 Westridge-Darne-Son/Shaker SFD
01061 Westridge - Fostr Brs / Sornsn
01062 Westridge Sorensen TH
01063 Lk Ridge - Mohican North TH
01064 Lynnwood SFD
01065 Longwood Estates SFD
01066 Lk Ridge - Valleywood Dr SFD
01067 Barrington Pt Condos (Occq)
01068 Lk Ridge - Hedges Run S SFD
01069 Westridge - Somerset Condos
01070 Old Bridge Est - Ryan SFD
01071 Old Bridge Est - NVhomes TH
01072 Old Bridge Est - Ryan TH
01073 Old Bridge Est - Carr SFD
01074 Occoquan Miscellaneous SFD
01075 Old Bridge Est - NVhomes SFD
01076 Wdbrdge Misc SFD (W/Woodmont)
01077 Rollingwood Village SFD
01078 Rollingwood Village TH
01079 Rollingwood Village Sec 7B/9
01080 Twin Oaks SFD
01081 Laurel Hills SFD
01082 Hampton's Grove SFD
01083 Bren Forest SFD
01084 Davis Ford / Hoadly Area SFD
01085 Belmont SFD
01086 Belmont SFD
01087 Marumsco Acres SFD
01088 Marumsco Hills SFD
01089 Marumsco Village SFD
01090 Horner/Marumsco Hls/Botts SFD
01091 Greenwich Hills TH
01092 Ashfrd/Maben Wd/Botts Ovlk SFD
01093 Devil's Reach Condos
01094 Lakewood Forest SFD
01095 Marumsco Woods SFD
01096 Woodbridge Pines SFD
01097 Lynwood SFD
01098 Willowbrook TH
01099 Potomac Vw/Featherstone Tr SFD
01100 Bayside / Featherstone Shores
01101 Village Square TH
01102 Pinewood Mills SFD
01103 Heather Glen TH
01104 Cambridge Square TH
01105 Rippon Landing TH East Areas
01106 Rippon Landing TH West Areas
01107 Rippon Landing Condos
01108 Newport SFD
01109 Garfield Estates SFD
01110 Neabsco Mills/Cardinal Dr SFD
01111 Georgetown Village TH
01112 Dawson Ridge TH
01113 Reserve at Potomac Crest
01114 Village at Potomac Crest
01115 Minnieville Estates SFD
01116 Colony Woods SFD
01117 Greenwood Farms TH
01118 Georgetown Park TH
01119 Neabsco Hills SFD - US Homes
01120 Stanley Forest SFD
01121 Towns Of Forest Hill TH
01122 Daleview Manor SFD
01123 Neabsco Hills SFD - Old Secs
01124 Windsor/Bobcat Est/Rutherford
01125 Stratford Glen SFD
01126 Gideon Square TH
01127 Westwind SFD
01128 Ashdale/Birchdale/Forestdale S
01129 Darbydale (Dale City)
01130 Cloverdale (Dale City)
01131 Glendale (Dale City)
01132 Kerrydale (Dale City)
01133 Hillendale (Dale City) SFD
01134 Kerrydale - Larger Lots SFD
01135 Queensdale / Orangedale SFD
01136 Nottingdale (Dale City) SFD
01137 Slvrdale/Mapledale/Lindendale
01138 Ridgedale (Dale City)
01139 Princedale (Dale City)
01140 Evansdale (Dale City)
01141 Birchdale/Evansdale Dale City
01142 Cherrydale TH (Dale City)
01143 Glendale - Queensdale TH
01144 Forestdale TH (Dale City)
01145 INACTIVE-Forestdale TH
01146 Cloverdale TH (Dale City)
01147 Dale City/Orange Dale SFD
01148 Montclair SFD
01149 Southlakes At Montclair TH
01150 Montclair SFD
01151 Newport SFD
01152 Stockbridge Condos
01153 Montclair - Winchester TH
01154 Foster Bros. TH Logan Woods
01155 Montclair Island TH
01156 Bellewood SFD
01157 Montclair TH
01158 South Lake At Montclair TH
01159 Montclair TH
01160 Montclair Water's Edge TH
01161 Montclair TH - Ryland
01162 Montclair TH
01163 Beau Ridge Estates
01164 Brittany SFD
01165 Dumfries Road Area
01166 Mine Road Area
01167 Cramers Ridge SFD
01168 Prince William Estates SFD
01169 Virginia Commons SFD
01170 Dumfries Town Area
01171 Williamstown A TH
01172 Possum Pt/Rose Hill/Tripoli
01173 Dumfries Olde Port SFD
01174 Williamstown B TH
01175 Cherry Hill Road Area
01176 Joplin Road Area
01177 Knolls Of Dumfries SFD
01178 Townhouse Square Condos
01179 Anderson Rd / Meyers Rd Area
01180 Graham Pk/Fullr Hts/Old Triang
01181 Port Of Dumfries TH
01182 Woodlnd/Cabin Rd/Nob Hill Area
01183 Thomasson Crossing
01184 Fuller Heights Area
01185 Graham Park Shores
01186 Quantico Town
01187 INACTIVE-P.C. Homes& Rivermead
01188 Dumfries SFD - Off Graham Park
01189 Sedgewick Heights/Stacy's Rdge
01190 Highbridge
01191 River Oaks SFD
01192 Ascot Woods
01193 Cardinal Glen
01194 Sycamore Ridge SFD
01195 Beau Ridge SFD
01196 Wayside Village Drees TH
01197 River Terrace Condos (Occqn)
01198 Rollingbrook Sec 6 TH
01199 Wayside Village Haddon TH
01200 INACTIVE Rylnd TH Princeton Wd
01201 Winslow Chase TH - Haddon Grp
01202 Wayside Vlg Stanley Martin TH
01203 Princeton Woods Condo
01204 Dale City - Trentdale Village
01205 Sequoia Est (Dale City) SFD
01206 Williamstown C TH
01207 Hollows - Occoquan SFD
01208 Wayside Village Comstock TH
01209 Occoquan / Mt High
01210 Wexford TH
01211 Garrison Woods
01212 Ridgefield Village TH
01213 Cardinal Ridge Section 1 SFD
01214 Cardinal Knolls TH
01215 The Glen TH
01216 Featherstone Farms SFD
01217 Hampstead Landing SFD Dumfries
01218 Cardinal Forest
01219 Carolyn Forest TH Devils Reach
01220 Wayside Village Sec 10 SFD
01221 Meadows Of Minnieville Sec 1 S
01222 Old Bridge Estates Sec 16
01223 Princeton Woods TH
01224 Omisol Estates
01225 Devils Reach Condos
01226 River Oaks - TH
01227 Dale City-Oakcrest SFDs
01228 Powell's Landing SFD
01229 Dale City/SFD/Queensdale
01230 Elysian Woods Condos
01231 INACTIVE-River Oaks/ Pulte /TH
01232 Montclair Hovnanian TH
01233 Dale City Trident TH
01234 Occoquan River Properties
01235 Bay Side / Featherstone
01236 Lk Ridge - Ridgeleigh TH
01237 Cardinal Estates SFD
01238 Lakecrest Section 1 TH
01239 Rippon Landing TH Sec. 8 - 9
01240 Southlake Cove T.H. Laing
01241 Ridgeleigh - Springwoods Dr TH
01242 Ashmere At Montclair News TH
01243 Montclair - Large Lots
01244 INACTIVE-Princeton Wd Sec 9 TH
01245 Brightwood Forest Ph 4 TH
01246 Wayside Village SFD
01247 Cardinal Cross/Courtlandt Hght
01248 Pearson's Landing SFD
01249 Forest Park TH (A)
01250 Summerhouse Condos
01251 Lakecrest Section Two SFD
01252 Dawson Landing Sec 4 SFD
01253 Swans Creek
01254 Ridgeleigh - Springwoods Dr TH
01255 Tackett's Mill TH
01256 Prince William Commons Long T
01257 Belmont Bay TH
01258 Prince William Commons Phase 2
01259 Comstock And Puri TH
01260 Cardinal Crest
01261 Lake Terrapin SFD
01262 Ridgeleigh Condos - Pulte
01263 Ashland TH
01264 Ashland SFD
01265 Prospect Cove Condos
01266 Forest Park TH (B)
01267 Lake Terrapin TH
01268 Glen Oaks CONDO
01269 Crestridge Estates
01270 The Glen - Pc Homes TH
01271 INACTIVE-River Oaks Ph 2 TH
01272 Port Potomac TH
01273 Southlake At Mont. SFD
01274 Wayside Richmond American SFD
01275 Prince William Commons TH
01276 Park Center - TH
01277 Madison Farm SFD
01278 Dawson Landing Sec 3 SFD
01279 Cardinal Trace SFD
01281 Sherbrooke - TH Condos
01282 Montclair Carr SFD
01283 Cardinal Pointe SFD
01284 Park Center/Brooke Farm SFD
01285 Trafalgar House - Lk Ridge Pt
01286 Caly SFD
01287 Hampton Square TH Condo
01288 Trentdale TH (Dale City)
01289 Belmont Bay SFD
01290 Wayside (Mil - Smth Detached)
01291 Belmont Town Center TH
01292 Roseberry Village
01293 Occoquan Village
01294 Gideon Green SFD
01295 Ridgefield Village SFD
01296 Markhams Grant SFD
01297 Markhams Grant TH
01298 Lakeridge Crossing Townhouse
01299 Hampstead Landing
01300 Princeton Wd/Spy Glass SFD
01301 Lindsay's Grove
01302 Belmont Town Ctr Wide TH / Dup
01303 Belmont Town Center SFD
01304 PW Town Ctr Carriage Homes SFD
01305 PW Town Center SFD
01306 Ashland II
01307 Dale City South Hampton SFD
01308 AR - Four Seasons SFD
01309 Powells Landing TH
01310 Quaker Homes - Fowke Lane
01311 Witheridge Estates SFD
01312 River Falls SFD
01313 Riverside Station TH
01314 Glen Oaks Condo TH
01315 Lionsfield Valley
01316 Elm Farm Estates SFD
01317 Belmont Bay Villas Landbays 10
01318 Belmont Bay Town Ctr Landbay 1
01319 Ashland Sec 23
01320 Harbor Point Condominiums
01321 Prince William County Center T
01323 PW CC Mixed Residential-Retail
01324 Harbor View Condominiums
01325 Powells Landing TH - 18
01326 Saratoga Hunt PH 1 - 2
01327 Port Potomac SFD
01328 Keswick Forest
01329 Potomac Cove SFD
01330 White Oaks Estates SFD
01331 River Falls SFD
01332 Stonewall Manor SFD
01333 Cardinal Woods SFD
01334 County Center Condos Ryland
01335 Rippon Landing SFD Sec 6
01337 Coventry Glen SFD
01338 Belmont Bay Villas Condos
01339 New Bristow Village Heights SF
01340 New Bristow Village (TH)
01341 River Club I at Belmont Bay CO
01342 Riverside Station Potomac Poin
01343 Eagles Pointe SFD
01345 The Commons on William Square
01346 Wayside (Mil - Smth Attached)
01347 Moncure Woods
01348 Forest Park TH (C)
01349 Georges Estates SFD Sec. 1
01350 Spriggs Run Estates SFD
01351 Jamestown / Piccard SFD
01352 Bell Air Estates
01353 Kelley Farm Bellewood SFD
01354 Barton Square
01355 Rippon Landing TH Sec. 7
01356 Beacon Park I Condominium
01357 River Falls Sec 1 SFD
01358 Potomac Club-Pulte CONDO
01359 Belmont Bay Landbay 12 TH
01360 Victory Ridge
01361 Neabsco Landing SFD
01362 Smalls Crossing
01363 Highpointe at Rippon Landing C
01364 Harbor Side Condo at Belmont B
01365 Powells Run Village
01366 The Point (TH)
01367 Oaklands
01368 Ewells Mill Estates SFD
01369 Melody Landing Condo (A)
01370 Reids Prospect Sec. 1 TH
01371 Reids Prospect Sec. 1 SFD
01372 Melody Landing Condo (B)
01373 Highlands Circle Condos
01374 Potomac Club Stacked Condos
01376 Sherron Point
01377 Saddle Ridge TH
01378 Hope Hill Crossing
01379 Forest Glen
01380 Hoadly Forest
01381 Meadows at Hope Hill
01382 Hunter Ridge Estates
01383 Thomas Mill
01384 Vantage Point South
01385 Liberty Manor SFD
01386 Potomac Shores NV Homes
01387 Potomac Crest Condos
01388 Potomac Shores Ryan Homes
01389 Powells Landing II -TH
01400 Cardinal Grove SFD
01401 Dane Ridge Condos
01402 Saddlebrook Run
02001 Rt. 15 North - Hickory Grove
02002 Bull Run Mt SFD and Vac Lots
02003 Forest Lk/Loudoun Dr/Mountn Rd
02004 Foxbury \ Stonewall \Tullamor
02005 Rt 15 N-Rural Subdivisions
02006 Evergreen C.C.
02007 W Waterfall-Mountain Rd SFD
02009 Middlebrooks Garden
02010 Lynn Forest/Stepney/Jackson
02011 Holly Ridge
02013 Lawnvale - Catharpin Road SFD
02014 Breezy Knolls/Boxwd Farms Area
02015 Sudley Mtn/Sudley Rd/Richland
02017 Groveton / Battlefield Pk Area
02018 INACTIVE-18TH Century Haymrkt
02019 Town Of Haymarket
02020 Lee Hwy/Rt 15/Old Carolina
02021 Mountain Farm
02022 Greenhill Crossing Sfd
02023 Buckland Mills/Falkland Farms
02024 Braemar Ryan Auburn TH
02025 Long Level Ac/Lightner Road
02026 Lakeview Estates SFD
02027 Bridlewood (0101 Lots)
02028 Kingsbrook (0101 Lots)
02029 Piedmont
02030 Lake Manassas Ph. I Sec. 4
02031 Robert Trent Jones - Duplexes
02032 Pineborough/Rock Hill Estates
02033 Foxborough SFD Sec 2. Phase 1
02035 Shelter Lakes
02036 Braemar Coscan Brookfield SFD
02037 Sheffield Manor R10 SFD
02038 Virginia Oaks
02039 Laurianne Woods
02040 Kingsbrook
02041 Crossroads Sec 6
02042 Braemar-Brookfield Carriage
02043 AR - Heritage Hunt SFD
02044 AR - Heritage Hunt Villas
02045 Piedmont - Catharpin
02046 Virginia Oaks SFD Ph 1 Sec 7
02047 Thunder Oak
02048 Chimneys
02049 Rose/Edge Hill
02050 INACTIVE-B R Overlook
02051 Forest Hills
02052 Enfield Farm
02053 INACTIVE-Bear Hollow
02054 Donna Marie Drive
02055 Erin Dr/Jennifer Ln
02056 Evergreen Forest.
02057 Lake Manassas Customs
02058 Presidents Landing
02059 Heritage Farms
02061 Northwood Estates
02062 Old Carolina Estates
02063 Hopewells Landing
02064 Dominion Valley
02065 Breyerton Estates
02066 Somerset VillSFD
02067 Waterfall Farm
02068 Breyerton
02069 Somerset SFD
02070 Berry Prop-Shelter Lane
02071 Heritage Farms-Craftmark Homes
02072 Saybrooke-Carriage Homes \ Ryl
02073 Shelter Knolls
02074 Autumn Oaks Estates
02075 Broad Run Oaks
02076 Dominion Valley SFD
02077 Villages at Haymarket
02078 Piedmont Carriage SFD
02079 Piedmont Executive SFD
02080 Piedmont Manor SFD
02081 AR -Regency at Dominion Valley
02083 Westgrove/Green Gables
02084 Sheffield Manor SR6 SFD
02085 Glenkirk Estates
02086 Braemar Brookfield Courtyard
02088 Avondale
02089 Piedmont South Sec 2
02090 Blooms Mill SFD
02091 DVCC Attached
02092 Dowden Downs
02093 Thoroughfare/Rt55
02095 INACTIVE-Westgrove Plantation
02096 Piedmont Mews
02097 Muse Hill
02098 Roseberry
02099 Johnson Estates
02100 Arrowood
02101 Great Oak
02102 Country Roads
02103 Monterosa
02104 Greenwich / Upper Vint Hill
02105 Linton Hall Corridor
02106 Rocky Run
02107 Smith Pond
02108 Camelot/Brook Haven/Bell Frst
02109 Landview Estates SFD
02110 Woodbine SFD
02111 Walton SFD
02112 Oaks Of Shen/Woodbine Forest
02113 Orlando Rd Area / Locust Hill
02114 Ridgewood Estates SFD
02115 Keanon Ridge SFD Kellys Knoll
02116 Meadowbrook Woods
02117 Hidden Springs
02118 Millbrooke
02119 Hersch Farm
02120 Mayfair
02121 Jackson Manor
02122 Chevalle/ Moor Green Est
02123 Bristow/Valley view 10-Ac Sub
02124 Fitzwater Dr - West
02125 Schafer La/Kettle Rn/Vint Hill
02126 Central Nokesville Rd
02127 Bristow/Izaak Area
02128 Lucasvle Rd/Brentsvle Rd Area
02129 Westchester SFD
02130 Bradley Forest SFD
02131 Doves Lane/Ovrlook Vacant Lots
02132 Windy Hill SFD
02133 Brentsville
02134 Briarmont
02135 Old Dominion / Grant Ave Area
02136 Premium Mid-Cnty 10A Subdiv
02137 Classic Lakes SFD
02138 Windsor Estates/ Shevlin Ct SF
02139 Bristow Rd Area 10-Ac Sub
02140 Nokesville
02141 Nokesville - Rural
02142 Westmarket SFD
02143 Westmarket Villas
02144 Pembrooke-Victory Lakes SFD
02145 Kendalls Knolls
02146 Hunt Chase SFD
02147 Braemar NVR SFD
02148 Braemar Ryan SFD
02149 Braemar Rich Amer Ryland Wash
02150 Braemar-Brookfield Arista
02151 Lanier Farms
02152 Barretts Crossing
02153 Crossman Creek
02154 Simmons Grove
02155 Alisons Ridge/Bristow Overlook
02156 Evergreen Terrace SFD
02158 Catharpin Area 10-Ac
02159 INACTIVE-Dominion Valley North
02160 Greenwich 10 Acre Parcels
02161 New Dominion Hunt Estates
02162 SouthMarket10
02163 Hazelwood 10-Ac Sub
02164 Fleetwood Dr Area 10-Ac Sub
02165 Carriage Ford Rd Area 10-Ac Su
02166 INACTIVE-Brentown Farms 10-Ac
02167 Braemar Reflection
02168 Mayfield Trace
02170 Haymrkt Stn
02171 Morris Farm - Carriage
02172 Liberty Oaks 10-acre subdiv
02173 Coles Run Manor
02174 Linton Crest Innisbrooke
02175 Silver Leaf Estates
02176 Winding Creeks
02177 Gates Mill
02178 Turning Leaf Estates
02179 Sherwood Forest
02180 The Reserve at Lake Manassas
02181 Westmarket Towns
02182 Westmarket East
02183 Catholics for Housing -SFD
02184 Catholics for Housing -TH ADU
02185 Hailee's Grove
02186 Robinson's Paradise
02187 Broad Run Estates
02188 Morris Farm - Reflection
02189 Morris Farm - Courtyard
02190 Morris Farm at Craftmark
02191 Morris Farm - Heritage
02192 02192
02193 Jackson Ponds Estates
02194 Dominion Reserve
02195 Carolina Chase
02196 Madison Crescent
02197 INACTIVE-Greenhill - Gillis Wy
02198 Villages of Piedmont -South M.
02199 Johnson Woods
02200 Ellis Mill Estates
02201 Merrimont Trace
02202 The Villages at Dominion Valle
02203 Classic Springs
02204 Wentworth Green
02205 Bull Run CC Estates
02207 Avendale
02300 Stoneridge TH
02301 Sudley Village TH
02302 Country Scene TH
02303 Irongate TH
02304 Ashton Glen TH
02305 Crestwood Village TH
02306 Bannerwood TH
02307 Sudley Square/Cedar Park TH
02308 inactive-Sudley TH(Cedar Park)
02309 Sudley TH
02310 Longstreet Commons TH Haymkt
02311 Stonbridge Foster Bros TH
02312 Quail Hollow TH
02313 Stonington - Sudley Artery TH
02314 Sudley Manor Foster Bros TH
02317 Ballsford - Ashleigh Artery TH
02320 Paradise F - Stanley Martin TH
02323 Somerhill Farms Condo
02324 Prince Cole Condos
02325 Coverstone Square Condos
02326 Brighton Commons Condos
02327 Stonington - Artery TH Condos
02328 Crestwood Village Park Condos
02329 Summertree Apt Condos
02330 Sentry Ridge (Sequoia) Triplex
02331 Jacksons Ridge Artery Condos
02332 Waverly Mill Condos Gainesvl
02333 Stratford NVhomes Condos
02334 Pulte Condos
02335 Stonington Artery Apt Condos
02336 Sentry Ridge (Sequoia) Condos
02337 Gardens Crestwood Apt Condos
02338 Maple Pointe TH
02339 Foxborough TH
02340 Compton Farms
02341 Bridlewood TH (Sec 6/9)
02342 Paradise Parcel U (Sec 1-2)
02343 Jackson's Ridge PH 2
02344 Kingsbrooke Town Houses
02345 Villages At Saybrooke
02346 Crossroads Village (Sec 1-3)
02347 Campbell's Trace TH
02348 Lake Manassas TH Ph 1 Section
02349 Greenhill Crossing TH
02350 Sheffield Manor TH
02351 Kingsbrooke
02352 Virginia Oaks TH Ph 2 Sec 1
02353 Village Place
02354 Villages at Saybrooke TH
02355 Braemar Coscan TH Condos
02356 Braemar Ryan TH
02358 Meadows at Morris Farm TH
02359 Somerset TH
02360 Carterwood TH
02361 Sheffield Manor TH
02362 Piedmont TH
02363 VA Oaks Villas
02364 Westmarket TH
02366 Braemar (TH/Quad)-US
02367 Independence TH
02368 AR - Regency at Dom Valley Att
02369 Piedmont South TH
02370 AR - Heritage Hunt Condos
02371 AR - Dunbarton Manor
02372 Pembrooke-Victory Lakes TH
02373 Braemar US Homes Patio
02374 Somerset Villas
02375 Parks at Piedmont Condos
02376 Stoney Branch Crossing
02378 South Market TH Sec 4
02380 Camp Glenkirk (Saranac)
02381 Camp Glenkirk (Saranac) SFD
02382 Residences at Market Center
02383 Village Place Condos
02384 INACTIVE-Compton Farms ADU
02385 AR -Regency at Dom Valley Con
02386 Chatsworth Village Condos
02388 Madison Crescent Condos
02389 INACTIVE-Southmarket ADU
02390 Alexandras Keep
02391 Heathcote Commons TH Condo
02392 Somerset Condominium
02393 Dawkins-Victory Lakes TH
02394 Heritage Crossing Condos
02401 Yorkshire East
02402 Yorkshire West
02403 Loch Lomond SFD
02404 Westgate East
02405 Highland Park
02406 Sunnybrook Estates
02407 Fairmont
02408 Westgate West
02409 Sudley / Sudley Manor
02410 Tudor Hall SFD
02411 Braemar Coscan TH
02412 Independence
02413 Carterwood
02414 Lakewood Manor
02416 Blooms Mill TH
02417 Blooms Mill Villas
02418 Sunset Dr - New SFD
02419 Katie's Grove
02420 Madison Crescent TH
02800 Hunters Ridge Sec. 1 And 2
02801 Cannon Bluff/Bacon Race Area
02802 Occoquan Oaks/River Heights
02804 Davis Ford Rd Area
02805 Purcell Rd / Cornwell Estates
02806 Kahns Road Area SFD
02807 Valley Vue
02808 Heritage Woods/Fair Hill Est.
02809 Algonquin Hills SFD
02810 Fernbrook SFD
02811 Fox Mill SFD
02812 Dumfries Rd / Hoadly Rd Area
02813 Dumfries/Bristow/Aden Intrsctn
02814 Barrington Oaks
02815 Trails End / Gingerwood
02816 Laurenwood Est SFD
02817 Winding Creek Estates
02818 Reserve at Hunters Ridge
02819 Fox Den and Kenny Estates
02820 Hunters Grove / Kimberly Knoll
02821 Huntsman
02822 Spriggs Road Area / Devonshire
02823 Prestige and Minnieville Manor
02824 Hoadly / Van Doren Area
02825 Gaila Woods SFD
02826 Lower Dumfries Road
02827 Vista Brooke
02828 Holly Forest/Holly Brook/Sprin
02829 Colony Creek SFD
02830 Oak Ridge Estates SFD
02832 River Forest
02833 Reserve at Crooked Creek
02834 The Willows
02835 River Bend
02836 Brenmill
02837 Palisades Point / Rivers Edge
02838 Brenbrooke
02839 Middlebrook Estates
02840 Scenic Pointe
02841 Beavers Landing
02842 Judiths Grove
02843 Forest Brooke SFD
02844 Forest Grove
02846 Evergreen Farm / Hunton Lane
02847 Classic Ridge
02850 Greystone / Wallwood
02852 Yates Ford Rd Area
02853 Occoquan Forest
02854 Gladney Heights Vacant Lots
02855 Wtrview Plt/Lake Occ
02856 Bear Creek and Lowery Estates
02857 Bent Tree Estates (Evans Ford)
02858 Montyville SFD
02859 Hynson Knolls SFD
02860 Signal Hill/Birmingham Rd
02861 Pineview Dr/ Moore Dr SFD
02862 Raintree / Blandsford SFD
02863 Lake Jackson Dr / Cabin Branch
02864 Hillcrest / Woodland Meadows
02865 Cedar Crest Estates
02866 Hamlets
02867 Asbury Place
02868 Williamsburg Estates
02869 Mallard Landing
02870 Fox Hollow
02871 Token Valley Estates
02872 Holly Forest
02873 Deer Valley
02874 Occ. Club/Occ. Overlook
02875 Cannon Bluff Estates
02876 Cardinal Ridge
02878 Waterfront Drive/Sierra Court
02879 The Cloisters
02880 Ellis Plantation SFD
02881 Classic Oaks
02882 Malvern Chase/Running Creek
02883 General's Ridge / Ruddle's Cov
02884 Kahns Glen
02885 Jacob's Grove -SFD
02886 Classic Hollow
02888 Effingham Farm 10-Ac Subdiv
02889 Malvern Chase
02900 Lake Jackson SFD
02901 Lake Jackson North
03001 Manassas Battlefield Area
03002 INACTIVE-Haymarket/Manassas
03003 Thoroughfare
03004 INACTIVE-Greenwich
03006 Nokesville/Brentsville/Triangl
03007 Buckhall/Lake Jackson
03008 INACTIVE-Hoadly
03009 INACTIVEMontclair/Lakeridge/WB
03010 Valued By Units County Wide
03011 Manassas National Battlefield
03020 Lake Jackson Small Lots
03030 Lake Manassas
04001 Route 1 North
04002 Route 1 South
04003 Quantico
04004 Dale City / Montclair
04005 Vicinity of Potomac Mills
04006 Dumfries
04007 Lakeridge
04008 Occoquan
04009 Midcounty
04010 Nokesville
04011 Manassas Park
04012 Vicinity of Innovation
04013 Sudley
04014 Linton Hall
04015 Gainesville
04016 Evergreen
04017 Haymarket
04028 Shopping Centers
04218 Unique Industrial
04243 Innovation
04244 Amphitheater
04311 Shopping Centers
04312 Single-Tenant Retail
04313 Commercial Condos Retail
04314 04314
04316 Restaurants
04317 Drugstores
04318 Industrial
04319 Data Centers
04320 Banks
04321 Commercial Condos Industrial
04322 Daycares
04331 Office Building
04333 Commercial Condos Office
04338 Small Multifamily
04339 Adult Assisted Living Faciliti
04340 Apts Sec 42
04341 Apartments
04343 Hotel/Motel
04346 Self Storage
04347 INACTIVE-Utilities
04349 Golf Courses
04350 Mobile Home Parks
04351 Leasehold Commercial
04352 Leasehold Accounts
06000 University Village II
06001 Wentworth Green TH
06002 Chesterfield
06003 Cherry Hill Crossing Condos
06004 Lake Manassas Turtle Point Th
06005 Forest Edge SFD
06006 Marina Landing Condos
06007 Villages Piedmont II Sec 3 TH
06008 Clarke's Crossing SFD
06009 Yorkshire Condos (Falls Grove)
06010 Mays Quarter
06011 Bradley Square - TH
06012 Woodland Farms
06013 Hoadly Manor
06014 Walkers Station
06015 Hickory Falls SFD
06016 Falls Grove SFD
06017 The Reserve at Windy Hill
06018 Villages of Piedmont II Sec.1
06019 Greenwood Farm SFD
06020 Reserve at Jennell Estates
06021 Featherstone Station TH
06022 Featherstone Station Condos
06023 Heathcote Commons Stacked Cond
06024 Eagles Pointe West SFD
06025 Heritage Crossing TH
06026 Madison Crescent TH Mx Res/Ret
06028 Cherry Hill Stacked Condos
06029 AR - Regency at Creekside SFD
06030 Potomac Shores Ryan TH
06032 Briarwood Stacked Condos
06033 Colvin Farm 10 ac Subdiv
06034 Old Dominion Hunt TH
06035 Cayden Ridge
06036 Blakelynn Forest
06037 Brady's Village TH
06038 Copper Mill Estates
06040 Golden Gwynn Estates
06041 Potomac Shores Villas
06042 Heathcote Commons TH
06043 Potomac Shores Brookfield
06044 Parx Estates - Ryan Homes
06046 Hampton Square Stacked Condo
06047 Potomac Reserve SFD
06049 Potomac Shores Pulte TH
06050 Richmond Station TH
06051 Apollo Residential Townhomes
06053 Quintessence Court Area
06054 Currie Farm
06055 Richmond Station Condos
06057 Potomac Shores Beazer TH
06058 Potomac Shores Beazer
06059 Residences at Market Center TC
06060 Potomac Shores Pulte SFD
06061 AR - Carters Mill SFD
06062 AR - Carters Mill Villas
06063 Carters Grove SFD
06064 Woodborne Preserve
06065 Highland Park TH
06066 Beacon Park Towns at Belmont B
06067 Windsor Hill SFD
06068 Magnolia Meadows
06069 Robinson Manor/Robinson Vil TH
06070 Ballantrae Estates
06071 Springlake Estates
06072 Riverview Estates
06073 Mockingbird Ridge
06074 Waterford
06075 Mias Meadow SFD
06076 Old Dominion Meadows
06077 AR - VA Crossing Villas
06078 Eagle Row Condos
06079 Rippon Landing II Condos
06080 Potomac Twn Center Stacked Con
06081 Potomac Shores Stacked Condo
06084 Frederick Farm Estates
06085 Wilson Reserve
06086 AR - VA Crossing Condos
06087 Parkgate Estates
06088 Robinson Manor Villas AR
06089 Crossroads Village Center TH
06091 Aden Manor Estates
06092 Barron Heights SFD
06093 Tayloe Ridge
06094 Whispering Dove Estates
06095 Preserve at Long Branch
06096 AR Crest at Linton Hall TH
06097 AR Crest at Linton Hall-SFD
06098 Fallen Oaks SFD
06099 Neabsco Commons Stacked Condos
06100 Lomond Village - TH
06101 Innovation Town Center - TH
06102 Towns at Dale Woods
06103 Lomond Village Condos
06104 Potomac Shores Mosaic Condos
06105 Cascade Landing TH
06106 Heathcote Village Villas
06107 Quartz District TH
06108 Innovation Town Center Condos
07000 Convenience Stores/Gas Station
07001 Miscellaneous Office
07002 Miscellaneous Retail
07003 Miscellaneous Industrial
07004 Miscellaneous Utility
07005 Auto Sales
07006 Auto Service
07007 Unassigned
07008 Marinas
07009 Houses in Commercial
07010 Public Use
07011 Melrose Apts Legal Parcels
07012 Malls
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